The 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation, Inc.
We Need Our Members' Help

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Or, print this page and mail in your donation.


The 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation, Inc. was founded to support and promote the 116th Infantry Regiment (USARS). To that end we:

  • Provide seed money for the Annual Muster
  • Fund the 116th Infantry Regiment Museum
  • Fund the Captain Randolph Porterfield Hart Memorial Library
  • Provide an annual scholarship to Normandy Allies. 
  • Sponsor living history demonstrations during the July 4th celebrations.

Eventually, operational requirements of the 1st Brigade 29th Infantry Division (Light) may require us to move both our library and museum, and recent security requirements have limited accessibility. The question is: Why should you help? 

  1. Honor your friends and comrades.
  2. Educate our communities about the sacrifices you and your friends made for them.
  3. Lend a helping hand to those who want to learn about the past.
  4. Preserve the history of all who came before us.

To that end our goal is to build a Museum and Library to house, protect, and preserve, our history and to educate and encourage generations to come in the constant struggle for liberty and freedom.

We wouldn't ask if we didn't need to, but we do need you to step forward once again and HELP us do this. Thanks for your continued support.

Charles B. "Buddy" Faulconer

(Please print, complete and mail to the address at the bottom of this card) I know that we need to HELP our Regiment preserve its heritage. I want to help.

Please accept my donation of:

$1000 ___ $500 ___ $100 ___ $50 ___ $25 ___ $10 ___

Other _________________________

I'd like to volunteer my time. Please send me information on how I can help. My main interest is: 

Museum __________________________________

Library ___________________________________

Fund Raising ______________________________

I'd like to know more about the Foundation, please contact me. 








Phone (optional)

E-Mail (optional)

Place in an envelope and mail to:

116th Infantry Regiment Foundation, Inc.
ATTN: Treasurer
500 Thornrose Avenue
Staunton, VA 24401-0500

Regiment Pages

Regiment, Lineage, Links, Medal of Honor, Muster, Golf, News, Race, Site Map

1st Brigade 29 ID (L) Pages
Brigade, History,

116th Inf. Regt. Foundation Pages
Foundation, Board, Calendar, Library, Museum, Officers,

Courtesy of the 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation, Inc.
Last Updated March 29, 2004
Copyright 2001 & 2004